7 Apps Every Financial Analyst Should Have

Every financial analyst needs access to market news and reliable data. This is easier than ever thanks to a growing number of outstanding mobile finance apps, which provide business professionals with a wealth of virtual portfolios, calculators, and real-time streaming information.

Not every app is free, and most are available for both Android and Apple devices. Each app is designed to make an analyst's life easier and bring the Big Data movement to their fingertips. Financial markets are fueled by getting better information faster, and these apps are a major asset for those trying to stay on top.

Key Takeaways

  • Today, there are many financial apps that investors can utilize to make better and faster investment decisions.
  • The information these apps provide ranges from financial analyses, news, statistical information, calculators, financial exam prep, and more.
  • Some apps that analysts can use to make better-informed decisions include apps from the Federal Reserve Economic Data, uValue, Accenture, TheStreet, and CNBC.

1. Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) App

FRED, or Federal Reserve Economic Data, is a must for any serious financial professional. It is difficult to describe the scope of FRED information, which includes nearly thousands of different data series on international and domestic markets. With this free app, available on Android and Apple devices, a user can track broad macro and micro trends, review and download graphs and charts, and even create custom presentations on the fly.

FRED also provides a significant amount of historical information so that analysts can explore trends and reference historical data.

The time-series information on the FRED app earns a recommendation on its own, but the best feature for financial analysts is probably the customizable charts. Analysts create a lot of reports and give plenty of presentations, and the FRED app is a useful ally for these routine tasks.

FRED is compiled from 108 sources and is housed in the St. Louis Fed's database. The information can be a little abstract or overwhelming at times, so it is recommended that a new user spend time getting used to the interface.

2. The Financial Exams Prep App

App provider EduPristine boasts several apps for aspiring financial professionals on Android and Apple phones. The Financial Exams Prep App series offers a complete study guide for licensing exams and other credentials, including the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and Financial Risk Management (FRM) tests.

The Financial Exams Prep App format is straightforward and easy to navigate. The CFA portion is broken down into separate books and section quizzes, including topics such as economics, alternative investments, ethics, and financial reporting/analysis.

The FRM section focuses more heavily on different financial products, valuation, and risk analyses. Though designed for early-career professionals who have yet to pass their exams, the material covered by the Financial Exams Prep App is still relevant for any analyst.

3. uValue App

The uValue App is meant for financial analysts or investors who spend time performing corporate valuations. It is the brainchild of NYU Stern's Aswath Damodaran, who is widely considered a top mind in valuation methods in the United States. uValue has six standard formulas, including the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and dividend growth model (DGM), as well as other crucial metrics such as levered/unlevered beta and exchange-rate forecasts.

Novice analysts may struggle with uValue at first; the app assumes a strong familiarity with valuation practices and financial statements. There is not a data resource on board, so the app best functions as a fundamental plug-and-go calculator, however, as any financial analyst can tell you, it never hurts to be able to quickly throw a valuation together on the fly. The app is free and highly educational in its design, but there is a fairly serious drawback for some users: uValue is only available on iPhones and iPads.

4. Accenture Interactive

In May 2015, Global IT provider Accenture launched a bevy of new apps under its Accenture Digital division, now known as Accenture Interactive. The launch was part of the company's renewed focus on analytics services, which specifically target decision-makers in the banking and insurance industries.

There are several different applications in the Accenture digital release, each of which could be worthwhile for the right analyst. Of particular note is the mobile app for wealth managers.

There is nothing revolutionary about the Accenture platform, but it is very convenient to have multiple tools from one source.

5. TheStreet App

TheStreet is a website that offers financial news and education along with an app for both the iPhone and Android. The app provides a majority of the information available on the website, including financial news, commentary, stock ideas, analysis, actionable ideas, technical analysis, and more.

The app also has access to TheStreet's own proprietary rating model, known as TheStreet Ratings. The app also aims to create a full multimedia experience, incorporating articles, videos, and stock market data.

6. Refinitiv Eikon App

This is a fantastic app for anyone with an iPhone, iPad, Android device, or Surface tablet. Users receive the latest information on market data, including live profit and loss metrics, and portfolio tracking is simple and easy.

The app allows users to customize alerts on stocks, hedge funds, and more; has instant access to streaming prices; market reporting in conjunction with Reuters; web access, and a Google Chrome extension.

7. CNBC Business News and Finance App

The CNBC app is available on basically every device and covers virtually every topic. It is an excellent resource for finance novices or high-level analysts. It provides all the news coverage available on CNBC.

This app does not necessarily make an analyst's job any easier, but it offers a great way to stay on top of the news cycle. Users can stream video, research data, and create interactive charts.

What Is the Safest Stock App?

Some of the best apps to buy and sell stocks include E*Trade, TD Ameritrade, Fidelity, Interactive Brokers, and TradeStation.

Is Robinhood a Good App for Stocks?

There are a variety of apps that allow individuals to access the financial markets and buy and sell stocks. Depending on what the needs of the investor are will determine what the best app for them is. Robinhood is recommended for traders that are active, trading often, such as day traders. It is not necessarily the best app for buy-and-hold investors. It is also suited for individuals wanting to try crypto and those that want to trade on margin with no commission fees.

Where Can I Find the Best Stock Market News?

Stock market news is widely available today. There are numerous sites offering financial news and analysis. Some of the most well-respected and trusted news sites/apps include MarketWatch, Seeking Alpha, The Motley Fool, and AlphaStreet.

Article Sources
Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy.
  1. FRED. "Mobile App."

  2. FRED. "Your Trusted Data Source Since 1991."

  3. EduPristine. "CFA Program."

  4. EduPristine. "FRM Course."

  5. EduPristine. "CFA Program."

  6. New York University. "uValue: The Corporate Valuation App."

  7. Accenture. "Mobile App for Wealth Managers."

  8. TheStreet. "TheStreet Mobile."

  9. Refinitiv. "Refinitiv Eikon Mobile Apps."

  10. CNBC. "CNBC: Stock Market & Business."

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